Our services

  • You will receive a professional, natural medicine consultation. Your consultation is private, confidential and safe.
  • To get the best from the services, it is best to start with a belief that your body can heal itself, when given the right nutrition and supplements.
  • I work with you to resolve your health issues and explain the steps as we go along.
  • The main focus is to find the cause of the symptoms and then remove the cause. This is done by small lifestyle changes and specially selected natural remedies to suit your concern.
  • Other services include Iridology and inhouse testing (if necessary), body code/ emotion code, counselling and Bowen therapy/ remedial massage.
  • The healing process is explained to you. Healing can happen quickly, or take a few months or a year or more. This depends on how long you have had your health issues.

Our Products

Our products are natural, herbal, nutritional and homeopathics and are chosen individually for you.
Herbal tonics and homeopathic drops can be made specifically if required.

Practitioner herbal, Fluid Extracts, Tablets and Capsules. MediHerb, Herbal Extract Company, Optimal Rx, Biomedica, Metagenics, Integra Nutritionals, Orthoplex, Kolorex Advanced Intestinal Care, Gumby Gumby capsules, a Wellbeing herb (Supplier from Qld) Herbal supplements to support regeneration.

My Outcomes

- which support wellbeing include:

Our Success Stories

55 year old female whose husband had passed away suddenly in a road traffic accident, two years ago, presented with unresolved grief, stress, and not sleeping.

I gave her a tonic which included St John’s Wort, Licorice, Bacopa, Skullcap and Passiflora.

One month later she rang to say she felt ten times better, less anxiety, less grief and her memory was super sharp.

She came back wanting to get ready to go back to work. She had joined a widows support group.

A 15 year old boy presented as not being able to focus at school and was being left behind in his school work. He was worried that he had A.D.D. He said he felt that the other boys were doing much better because they could concentrate. I gave him Brahmi Tone and now he is doing much better.

A 58 year old woman was feeling stressed and needing help to cope with all the changes. I prescribed Bach Flower essences which included Elm, Rock Rose, Mimulus, Larch, Rock Water and Star of Bethlehem.  She reported feeling much better.   

5 year old girl, presented with screaming episodes. She was given Medicine Tree Trauma/ Post Trauma drops. Her Mother took her out of school and sent her to another school. She settled in well to the new school. There were no screaming episodes and she wanted to take a present to her teacher and classmates. Her learning improved greatly. Also as part of her clinical treatment the little girl does sandplay. There was a great improvement seen in her sandplay from her first, to her second visit. She showed a greater sense of organisation as well as some improvement in family closeness.

Our vision for you

Live your best life
  • By supporting your well-being with natural and safe remedies, you are helping yourself to become the person you dreamt of becoming, a little bit at a time.
  • Delight in the positive changes in your health, feel reassurance on improvement, come back to strength.
  • Engage now in what is possible.
  • If you want to make a change then this treatment is for you.

Money back guarantee on consultation or free second visit


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